HomeEvents & ResourcesWhitepapersThe Conflict Resolution Phrase Book: 2,000+ Phrases For Any HR Professional

The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book: 2,000+ Phrases For Any HR Professional

Reviews from HR Professionals for The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book

“Hold your tongue, count to ten and be the bigger person” are all band-aids when it comes to resolving conflict. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book by Barbara Mitchell (Author) and Cornelia Gamlem is a comprehensive guide to handling conflict in the best way for short-term and long-term effectiveness.

It starts with the creation of the problem, all the nuances leading up to the crisis and how to turn conflict into a positive experience for all. If you truly want to maximize your effectiveness as a leader, this book is essential for your library.”
—Marna Hayden, chief game officer, Hayden Resources, Inc.

The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book by by Barbara Mitchell Free pdf ebook
The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book by by Barbara Mitchell Free pdf ebook

“Barbara and Cornelia take the fear out of managing conflict and difficult conversations. This is a wonderful toolbox of practical phrases, insights, and applications that will guide you through any conflict.

As a mediator, I would love this to be required reading for all my clients. This book is a much-needed companion for anyone who manages conflict.”
—Adam Bowman, M.A., PHR

“The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a natural complement to The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook because it helps us to focus on one of the most important aspect of conflict management…how to effectively use language.

We can sometimes get sloppy with our communication during stressful situations and this will only make the conflict worse. Cornelia and Barbara provide a ready resource on how to talk differently to get different results when managing conflict. It is a must have for the manager or HR professional who know that words matter in today’s workplace!”

—Marsha Hughes-Rease, MSOD, PCC, CAPT/NC/USN/Ret., Quo Vadis Coaching and Consulting, LLC

Summary of “The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book”

Ouch! Have I actually just said that? What was I pondering at the time? Going into a potentially dangerous situation without adequate preparation and stumbling over one’s words is an unsettling experience. People tend to avoid conflict for this very reason.

Instead of attempting to avoid these scenarios, The Conflict Resolution Phrasebook can assist you in better preparing for and engaging in conflict situations when they arise.

There are times when you simply need a prompt to say the appropriate thing, and this book will provide that prompt for you. Putting it to use will teach you:

  • Positive things to say when confronted with challenging topics or situations, whether you’re the one starting the conversation or the one responding to it.
  • How to locate and construct the appropriate words to initiate a delicate discussion.
    The appropriate words to have a positive influence on the circumstance.
  • Practice makes perfect; the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

Review The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book by by Barbara Mitchell (2)
Review The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book by by Barbara Mitchell

Having this book within easy reach will instill confidence in you, ensuring that the words that you say will be accurate. The previous book written by the author, titled The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook, has an obvious companion in the form of The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book.

In regards to the The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book

No one wants to walk into a potentially dangerous situation without adequate preparation and stumbling over their words. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is the ideal resource to help anyone prepare for and prevail in challenging situations because it encourages people to face difficult situations and conversations head-on rather than avoiding them.

The outcomes of some scenarios are hard to predict, and it is impossible to prepare for every possible conversation. However, being prepared with the appropriate responses enables you to confront a contentious situation head-on rather than attempting to avoid it. The more you get in the habit of facing challenges head on and even welcoming them, the more powerful that habit will become and the less likely it is that you will feel the need to run away from challenging circumstances.

The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is an excellent resource that everyone ought to have, as it enables one to approach any challenging circumstance with the assurance that one’s words will come out correctly. You are going to learn:

When you are beginning a challenging conversation or responding to one, here are some positive things to say:

  • How to locate and construct the appropriate words to initiate a conversation
  • The appropriate words for you to use in order to have a positive influence on the situation
  • The authors’ previous best seller, The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook, has a natural companion in The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. This book is a natural complement to it.

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