HomeEvents & Resourcestraicie's partnersRecruitmentLAB traicie partnership on recruiting of ICT profiles using AI technology.

RecruitmentLAB traicie partnership on recruiting of ICT profiles using AI technology.

To meet this global IT recruitment challenge RecruitmentLAB and traicie join hands as complementary partners. With a growing list of bottleneck professions and 375 million workers worldwide facing a career change by 2030, the need for HR tech to enrich and accelerate the recruitment process is growing.  Leading the way in the War for Talent is IT, which ranks #1 among the ‘impossible to find’ profiles.

Today, it makes no sense to ‘wait’ for the perfect developer to show up. Training is the new recruitment, so assessing potential and cultural fit becomes crucial, says Jochen Roef, CEO of traicie. Companies want to predict whether it is smart to invest in a certain candidate. This is exactly what Tracie does in an AI-based and therefore candidate-friendly way.

The Value of RecruitmentLAB

#1 There is no shortage of candidates for your ICT vacancies!

Very surprising, but true, says Olivier Gustin, managing director of RecruitmentLAB. Clients who have an eye for recruiting based on aptitude and values, tap into an inexhaustible source of ICT candidates. traicie helps to quickly and accurately map the attitudes of your best employees and use these as a benchmark for incoming candidates. This way our clients recruit ICT professionals with the confidence that the investment in ICT skills and personal competencies will pay off for both.

“Recruit based on values that fit your corporate culture. Hire for attitude, train for skills.”

| >>> Read more about: Culture-based Recruiting: Why is it the best approach?

#2 Lifelong learning

Candidates selected on work style and culture require an initial start-up through training, but stay with the organisation for longer, often in different positions. The motivation to learn is higher because of an intrinsic match with the functions and the organisation. The employee lifetime value of these employees is higher.

About traicie

Is an AI based screening technology that supports modern recruiters by fully automated pre-screening of candidates on level of character, work style and cultural fit.

Reviews traicie talent sourcing tool by RecruitmentLAB Deinze

Why does RecruitmentLAB use Traicie?

“By using traicie’s AI technology we are speeding up prescreening and selection turnaround times by an average of 35% without compromising on the quality of the candidates recruited.”

Saving RecruitmentLAB 2 hours a day on manual online candidate search. Setup automatic candidate searches in 5 minutes and have the best candidates delivered to your inbox.

| >>> Read more about: Employee Onboarding Process: 7 Essential Tips Checklist

Avoid a frustrating candidate reply rate of 8% on your outreach messages.The traicie algorithm assists RecruitmentLAB in crafting the perfect outreach message that instantly boosts replies with +20%!

Saving 80% of time on candidates that are not likely to respond nor fit your organization. Have traicie’s
algorithm hand you a shortlist of 20% valuable candidates to focus your effort on.

RecruitmentLAB Recruiting Team no more select job requirements based on subjective feeling, but using traicie’s AI behavioral benchmark objectively lead your conversation with hiring managers.

RecruitmentLAB has 10 years of experience in employer branding, recruitment, and the selection of ICT profiles. Interested in learning more? Please contact Olivier Gustin or Krista Rampelberg.

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